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Useful Resources

This page is dedicated to list certain useful and fun resources to aid your learning.

Fun Games

Digital Logic Simulator Game. You’re the OS Game

Amazing Articles

Putting the “You” in CPU: A nice article that explains how CPU works and more.


Interactive Verilog Tutorial

Verilog Cheat Sheet

Wonderful Animations

How does Computer Hardware work?

How does Computer Memory work?

How do SSDs work?

How do Smartphone CPUs work?


How a CPU works? Apple M1 vs Intel i9

Lucid Projects V1 (deprecated)

You can still run these using Alchitry Labs 1.2.7.

Instructor drivers (written in Lucid V1) for:

  1. WS2812B
  2. HUB75 RGB LED Matrix
  3. 75HC595 Shift Register
  4. MAX7219

The sample 1D Project Repo: Counter Game.

Other sample Alchitry Projects written by instructors for reference.

We will incrementally upgrade the above projects to V2. You can also do it yourself, the syntax is 90% similar with the exception of for-loops and FSM as the major changes.

Custom Br Board Reference

You can download the full pdf from here, or refer to the image below. Remember this is the pins you should use with the Custom Br board wings given to you (don’t use the one from alchitry website).

Beta Assembler and Emulator

Alex, A CSD senior from batch of 2024 wrote an simulator for Beta ISA. If creating your own ISA for the 1D project, you may use this as a starter for extending and defining your own opcodes. You can also modify this code to output the machine language of your Beta program to be pasted into your Lucid/Verilog file.

He also wrote an assembler so that you can get the assembled machine language to be copied to your Lucid file conveniently. We publish his assembler repository here.