- Starter Code
- Submission and Questionnaire
- Related Materials
- Introduction
- Making Moo
- Testing Moo
- Implementation and Debug Notes
- Summary
50.002 Computation Structures
Information Systems Technology and Design
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Lab 5: Assembly Language
Starter Code
Clone the starter code from here:
git clone https://github.com/natalieagus/lab-beta-assembly-starter
Then open bsim.jar
. This is a Beta CPU simulator. Open the file lab5_submit.uasm
and work the answer for this lab there.
Submission and Questionnaire
As usual, complete the questionnaire for this lab on eDimension before its due date. There’s no need to submit the code. They are for practice purposes only and serve as a recap for your final exam.
Related Materials
The lecture notes on Stack and Procedures is closely related for this lab. Related sections include:
- Background on procedure linkage and stack:
- Managing resources for each procedure
- The Stack implementation (BP, SP convention)
- Handling arguments and return value in a procedure (function)
- Implementation of Procedure Linkage Contract:
- Converting C code into Beta assembly with procedure contract
- In particular, to implement callee entry sequence and exit sequence
By the end of this lab, you should have a deeper understanding in how compilers work in transforming functions in high-level languages into procedures in assembly, and linking them together during runtime.
In this lab you will have the opportunity to write your first Beta assembly language program. Your task is to write a scoring subroutine for the game of “Moo”, a numeric version of Mastermind®.
In Moo, you will try to guess the secret 4-digit number.
- Each guess is scored with a count of “bulls” and “cows”.
- Each “bull” means that one of the digits in the guess matches both the value and position of a digit in the secret number.
- Each “cow” is a correctly guessed digit but its position in the guess doesn’t match the position in the secret.
- Once a digit in the secret has been used to score a digit in the guess (e.g: counted as bull) it won’t be used in the scoring for other digits in the guess (e.g: wont be double counted as cow).
- The count of bulls should be determined BEFORE scoring any cows.
Here are two examples:
Secret word: 1234
Guess: 1379 Bulls=1, Cows=1
Guess: 4321 Bulls=0, Cows=4
Guess: 1344 Bulls=2, Cows=1
Guess: 1234 Bulls=4, Cows=0
Secret word: 2270
Guess: 2208 Bulls=2, Cows=1
Guess: 0227 Bulls=1, Cows=3
Guess: 0000 Bulls=1, Cows=0
Guess: 2207 Bulls=2, Cows=2
In addition to this handout, there are some other useful documents that will help you:
- BSim documentation. Describes how to use BSim, our Beta simulator with built-in assembler. Includes a brief introduction to the syntax and structure of Beta assembly language programs.
- Beta Documentation: A detailed description of each instruction in the Beta instruction set. Also documents our convention for subroutine entry and exit sequences.
- Beta ISA Summary of Instruction Formats: A one-page quick reference for Beta instructions.
Making Moo
The expected subroutine (function) should take two arguments:
- A secret word:
(32 bits) - A test word:
(32 bits)
The secret and test words contain four 4-bit digits packed into the LOW order 16 bits of the word.
For example, if secret word was 1234
, it would be encoded as a = 0x00001234
where “0x” indicates hexadecimal (base 16) notation. If the guess word was 1344, it will be encoded as b = 0x00001344
. Even though 4 bits are used to encode each digit (0
to F
), the words will only contain the digits 0
through 9
per digit.
It should return an integer encoding the number of bulls and cows as (16*bulls) + cows.
- For instance if
a = 0x00001234
andb = 0x00001344
, - This results in 2 bulls and 1 cow
- Hence, the return value is
- The last four bits represents the value of cows, and bit 4 to 8 represents the value of bulls.
An Approach in C
You are welcome to compute the score however you would like. In case you would like a head start, here is one approach, written in C:
// Test two MOO words, report Bulls & Cows...
// Each word contains four 4-bit digits, packed into low order.
// Each digit ranges from 0 to 9.
// Returns a word whose two low-order 4-bit digits are Bulls & Cows.
int count_bull_cows(int a, int b) {
int bulls; // number of bulls
int cows; // number of cows
int i, j, btemp, atry, btry, mask; //temp vars
// Compute Bulls: check each of the four 4-bit digits in turn
bulls = 0;
mask = 0xF; // mask chooses which 4-bit digit we check
for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) {
// if the 4-bit digits match, we have a bull
if ((a & mask) == (b & mask)) {
bulls = bulls + 1;
// turn matching 4-bit digits to 0xF so we don't
// count them again when computing number of cows
a = a | mask;
b = b | mask;
// shift mask to check next 4-bit digit
mask = mask << 4;
// Compute Cows: check each non-0xF digit of A against all the
// non-0xF digits of B to see if we have a match
cows = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) {
atry = a & 0xF; // this is the next digit from A
a = a >> 4; // next time around check the next digit
if (atry != 0xF) { // if this digit wasn’t a bull
// check the A digit against each of the four B digits
btemp = b; // make a copy of the B digits
mask = 0xF; // mask chooses which 4-bit digit we check
for (j = 0; j < 4; j = j + 1) {
btry = btemp & 0xF; // this is the next digit from B
btemp = btemp >> 4; // next time around check the next digit
if (btry == atry) { // if the digits match, we've found a cow
cows = cows + 1;
b = b | mask; // remember that we matched this B digit
break; // move on to next A digit
mask = mask << 4;
// encode result and return to caller
return (bulls << 4) + cows;
Testing Moo
The test jig uses our usual convention for subroutine calls:
- The two arguments are pushed on the stack in REVERSE order (i.e., the first argument is the last one pushed on the stack) and,
- Control is transferred to the beginning of the Moo subroutine, leaving the return address in register
. - The result (bulls and cows values) should be returned in
Your code should use the following template. It is already given in lab5_submit.uasm
. Be sure to include the last TWO lines since they allocate space for the stack used by the test jig when calling your program:
.include beta.uasm
.include lab5checkoff.uasm
count_bull_cows: | your subroutine must have this name
| standard subroutine entry sequence
| PUSH all used registers
PUSH(R1) | bulls
PUSH(R2) | cows
PUSH(R3) | i
PUSH(R4) | j
PUSH(R5) | btemp
PUSH(R6) | atry
PUSH(R7) | btry
PUSH(R8) | mask
PUSH(R9) | temp reg
PUSH(R10) | temp reg
PUSH(R11) | a
PUSH(R12) | b
LD(BP,-12,R11) | load the arg value of constant a to R11
LD(BP,-16,R12) | load the arg value of constant b to R12
CMOVE(0,R1) | set initial val of var bulls = 0
CMOVE(0xF,R8) | set initial val of var mask = 0xF
CMOVE(0,R3) | set initial val of var i = 0
CMOVE(0,R4) | set initial val of var j = 0
|||| … your code here, leave score (return value) in R0 …
| … POP saved registers above in reverse order…
LONG(.+4) | Pointer to the bottom of stack
.=.+0x1000 | Reserve space for stack
You are recommended to use the registers above for each variables.
Using BSim, assemble your subroutine using the assemble tool.
If the assembly completes without errors, BSim will bring up the display window and you can execute the test jig (which will call your subroutine) using the run or single-step tools:
The test jig will try 32 different test values and type out any error messages on the tty console at the bottom of the display window. Successful execution will result in the following printout at the BSim console:
DO NOT press the green tick. The success checkoff message is sufficient to know that your program works fine for submission. If there exist an error, such message will be printed out:
The error message will give you a clue about your bug. The example above shows that the output should be 4
bulls and 0
cows, but your code computes 0
bulls instead. You can trace your code by adding .breakpoint
along your computation of bulls so that the execution will pause at that line. For instance, adding such .breakpoint
will pause the beta execution there. You can then inspect each register content and stack content slowly by running each instructions thereafter step by step:
SHLC(R1,4,R1) |bulls = bulls << 4
ADD(R1,R2,R0) |bulls + cow = R0
Implementation and Debug Notes
If you want to examine the execution state of the Beta at a particular point in your program, insert the assembly directive .breakpoint
at the point where you want the simulation to halt. You can restart your program by clicking the run button, or you can click single-step button to step through your program instruction-by-instruction.
You can insert as many .breakpoints
in your program as you would like. This works the same way as breakpoints in regular debuggers.
Usage of Registers
If your subroutine uses registers other than R0
, remember that they have to be restored to their ORIGINAL values before returning to the caller. The usual technique is to PUSH
their value onto the stack right after the instructions of the entry sequence and POP
those values back into the registers in the REVERSE order just before starting the exit sequence.
Allocate a register to hold each of the variables in the C code.
- For example, load
, - Assign current
count toR3
, etc - Reserve
for temporary variables likei
to track loops.
You will eliminate a lot of LDs and STs by keeping your variables in registers instead of in memory locations on the stack. There are more than enough registers to hold all variables in Moo.
Loading arguments a
and b
Assuming you have used the subroutine entry sequence shown above, the FIRST argument can be loaded into a register using the instruction LD(BP,-12,Rx)
. Similarly the SECOND argument can be loaded using LD(BP,-16,Ry)
, where Rx
and Ry
are two arbitrary registers that you can choose to hold the initial a
and b
Beta Macros
The instruction macro CMOVE(constant,Rx)
is useful for loading small numeric constants into a register. For example, assuming that the variable mask
has been assigned to R11
, the C statement mask = 0xF
can be implemented in a single instruction: CMOVE(0xF,R11)
If Statements
instructions and BEQ/BNE
are useful for compiling C “if” statements. For example, assuming atry
has been assigned to R7
, the C fragment:
if (atry != 0xF) {
... statements ...
It can be compiled into the following instruction sequence:
CMPEQC(R7,0xF,R0) | R0 is 1 if atry==0xF, 0 otherwise
BNE(R0,endifatry) | so branch if R0 is not zero
… statements if the condition is true…
endifatry: | need a unique label for each if
… statements if the condition is false (outside if-clause)
Here is the template for compiling the a for
statement. Given the C fragment,
for (inits; tests; afters) {
// body
... statements ...
Note that the body of the loop is executed as long as the tests
are true
. The above can be compiled into the following instruction sequence:
… code for inits …
BR(endfor32) | go to the test
… code for for-loop statement body …
… code for afters …
… code for tests, Rx is 1 if tests are true
BNE(Rx,for32) | if tests are true, execute the loop body
C Operators
Here’s a brief summary of C operators:
= assignment
== equality test (use CMPEQ, CMPEQC)
!= inequality test (use CMPEQ, CMPEQC, reverse sense of branch)
< less than (use CMPLT, CMPLTC)
<< left shift (use SHL)
>> right shift (use SRA)
& bit-wise logical and (use AND, ANDC)
| bit-wise logical or (use OR, ORC)
+ addition (doh!, use ADD, ADDC)
The purpose of this lab is to recap on hand-compiling C to Beta Assembly and applying knowledge from the lecture: Stack and Procedure. Your implemented function can be called many times by the test jig with different arguments because you have followed the procedure for function calls closely using the stack.
From this lab, you hand-compile the following type of instructions:
- Branches: for-loops and if-else using BNE/BEQ, or its macro: BF or BT
- Nested loops: double for-loops during cow computation
- Loop break: exiting the innermost loop
- Local variable declaration
- Basic arithmetic and masking
You also utilise the stack to preserver the caller’s state (register values), and utilize the following special registers:
- BP: base pointer, to access function arguments
- SP: stack pointer, points to the next available location of the stack (top of the stack)
- LP: linkage pointer, stores return address to the caller to resume execution once callee exists
You do not need to use the stack to store local variables because there are more than enough Registers available to perform the necessary computations. However, note that the BP can also be used to keep track of local variables (besides function arguments).
Inspect how the test jig is implemented once you have completed the lab. It might help you understand further on why it is important to follow the procedures closely to make function calls reusable.