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50.002 FPGA Tutorials

It is crucial that you start familiarising yourself with coding the FPGA right away after you obtain the kit. Failure to do so will result in inevitable sufferings towards the end of the semester. This is unlike any programming subjects that you have learned in previous terms.

The FPGA tutorials here are written in Lucid programming language. Please see documentations below before starting:

  1. Product description, schematics for: Au, Io, and Br.
    • The Br reference schematic is different from original Alchitry due to our custom PCB. Use our NEW one here. This document is also in the folder linked above.
    • Please DO NOT use Alchitry original Br, the schematic is DIFFERENT
  2. Documentation for Lucid: We will program the FPGA using Lucid, not Verilog

You can see our Instructor Github repo on more sample Au Projects. This repo contains many small alchitry projects for your reference. Checkout the other repositories as well that contains specific code for other drivers:

  1. WS2812B
  2. HUB75 RGB LED Matrix
  3. 75HC595 Shift Register
  4. MAX7219

If you’re looking for 1D project sample for 50.002, checkout this Counter Game repository.

More material that are recommended:

  1. Background tutorial
  2. Your First FPGA Project and external IO setup
  3. Synchronous Logic (Related to Week 3 materials)
  4. Io Element Project
  5. ROM and FSMs Project (Related to Week 2-5 materials)
  6. Basic CPU (Related to Beta CPU)
  7. DDR3 RAM (intermediate)