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50.002 Computation Structures
Information Systems Technology and Design
Singapore University of Technology and Design

Sequential Timing Animation

You are strongly encouraged to read this supplementary document to know more about timing computations for sequential logic device before proceeding to watch these animations.

Propagation Delay

Let’s start with the basic tpd (propagation delay). By definition, it is the time taken from the moment inputs turn valid to the moment all outputs turn valid.

Remember that we do assume that all input bits will turn valid at the same time (if you’ve learned sequential logic, you’d know how this happens with use of the DFF), and that we need all output bits to be valid in order for the entire circuit’s output to be deemed as valid (as a whole).

Contamination Delay

Now onto basic tcd (contamination delay), By definition, it is the time taken from the moment inputs turn invalid to the moment any output bits turn invalid (quite literally contaminated). Think of this as some kind of a memory ability of the combinational device.

Again, we do assume that all input bits can turn invalid at the same time, and that we must deem the output of the entire circuit to be invalid the moment any of its output bit turns invalid.

The Dynamic Discipline

The dynamic discipline states that there are two timing requirements for the input signal supplied at D, named as \(T_{setup}\) and \(T_{hold}\), which lengths are:

  1. \(T_{setup}\) is defined as the minimum amount of time that the voltage on wire D needs to be valid/stable BEFORE the clock edge changes from 1 to 0 (turning from write mode to memory mode).
  2. \(T_{hold}\) is defined as the minimum amount of time that the voltage on wire D needs to be valid/stable AFTER the clock edge reaches a valid 0 from a previous 1.

The animation below shows exactly when tsetup and thold takes place.

Here’s the breakdown of what’s happening, following timestamps in the video:

  1. At t=0 seconds mark in the video, an input (green) is about to enter the DFF
  2. At t=7, this green input is effectvely observed in the output. At the same time, it’s safe for new input (blue) to enter the master latch.
  3. At t=16, the blue input is observed at the output of the slave latch
  4. At t=26, the blue input is observed at the output of the slave latch

Hence, the output of the DFF is synchronized with the clock, with each clock cycle outputting a single stable value:

  1. During the first clock cycle in the video, the DFF outputs some old pink output. We didn’t illustrate where this came from, but assume it comes from the previous cycle..
  2. During the second clock cycle in the video, the DFF outputs the green output that was fed into the master latch during the first clock cycle.
  3. During the third clock cycle in the video, the DFF outputs the blue output that was fed into the master latch during the second clock cycle.
  4. During the first clock cycle in the video, the DFF outputs the pink output that was fed into the master latch during the third clock cycle.

Note that the actual length of the timings are exaggerated (not to scale) so you have enough time to digest the information. For instance, the CLK period should contain equal amount of time for both HIGH and LOW. The same applies for other animations below.

From the dynamic discipline of the DFF, we have \(t1\) and \(t2\) constraints if we were to use DFFs in sequential circuits.

t2 constraint

It’s easier to begin with t2 constraint first by illustrating how inputs are processed in sequential circuits.

The \(t_2\) constraint ensures that the clock period is long enough for three things to complete:

  • Valid signal to be produced at the output of upstream DFF and
  • Signal to propagate through the combinational logic unit in between,
  • Signal to be set-up at the downstream DFF

Please remember that there are TWO DFFs in the setup above, they’re not master/slave latches anymore. To be exact, each DFF contains a master and a slave latch, and it’s abstracted (illustrated) as a single DFF in this diagram. You can tell whether a device is a latch or a DFF by the triangle symbol in it where the CLK is fed in. We call these two DFFs as upstream (left) and downstream (right) DFFs, following the flow of signal from input to output (left to right). These are not your master/slave latches drawn separately.

tpd and tcd of sequential circuits

Notice how tpd (and also tcd by extension) of the overall circuit is computed from the downstream DFF only because now our input reference is the clock and no longer the actual IN to the circuit.

Sequential outputs synchronized with CLK

Notice how a sequential logic circuit beautifully synchronizes the output with the CLK. We have a new valid and stable output (of the downstream register) at each rising CLK edge. Similarly, the input to the combinational logic CL (which is the output of the upstream) DFF is also synchronized with the clock.

This is why we can assume for the computation of tpd and tcd above that inputs can turn valid or invalid at the same time, because typically we feed inputs to combinational logic circuits only after they have been synchronized (with the CLK) using (upstream) DFFs.

t1 constraint

Finally, this animation illustrates why t1 constraint is important. The \(t_1\) constraint ensures that the \(t_H\) requirement of the downstream register is fulfilled by the devices thats put upstream (before it), that is the combinational logic in yellow and the upstream register.

When the CLK turns to 1, both upstream and downstream DFFs are “capturing” different values. These happens simultaneously. Upstream DFF is receiving current input value, while downstream DFF is receiving the computed old input value that was produced by the CL.

All devices upstream of the downstream DFF (that is the CL and the upstream DFF) has to help to hold on to this old valid value for the \(t_H\) of the downstream DFF to be fulfilled before responding to the rising edge of the clock and producing new values. The memory ability of CL and upstream DFF (their tcds) is the one that can fulfil \(t_H\) of the downstream DFF.

Word of Advice

It takes time to understand the dynamic discipline. Watch the animations closely, and pause at key moments especially when new information pops up. It is certainly faster to simply memorize them, but in the long run it won’t do anybody any good. The dynamic discipline is a crucial concept because it dictates your CLK period (or frequency, equivalently), which translates to how fast your computer can compute things. It also dictates what type or hardware can or cannot be used in a sequential logic circuit because their tcds must match the downstream DFFs tcd. It takes careful and marvelous engineering to have computers that we have today.