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50.005 Computer System Engineering
Information Systems Technology and Design
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Natalie Agus (Summer 2024)

TinyOS Process Scheduling and Synchronization

You are expected to continue where you left off from Lab 2. We will be using TinyOS in this lab to implement more user processes and synchronise their execution using Semaphore.

Checkoff and Lab Questionnaire

You are required to finish the lab questionnaire on eDimension and complete two CHECKOFF during this session. Simply show that your bsim simulates the desirable checkoff outcome for Part A and Part B (binary grading, either you complete it or you don’t) of the lab. Read along to find out more.

There will be no makeup slot for checkoff for this lab. If you miss the class in Week 4 with no LOA, you get zero. If you have LOA, show it to our TAs and you can checkoff during the following Week’s Lab session or at the TA’s discretion.

TinyOS Process Scheduler

The timesharing system in TinyOS is supported by a round-robin scheduler,

	CMOVE(UserMState, r0)
	LD(CurProc, r1)
	CALL(CopyMState)		| Copy UserMState -> CurProc

	LD(CurProc, r0)
	ADDC(r0, 4*31, r0)		| Increment to next process..
	CMPLTC(r0,CurProc, r1)		| End of ProcTbl?
	BT(r1, Sched1)			| Nope, its OK.
	CMOVE(ProcTbl, r0)		| yup, back to Process 0.

Sched1:	ST(r0, CurProc)			| Here's the new process;

	ADDC(r31, UserMState, r1)	| Swap new process in.
	LD(Tics, r0)			| Reset TicsLeft counter
	ST(r0, TicsLeft)		|   to Tics.
	JMP(LP)				| and return to caller.

The Process Table

The scheduler relies on a kernel data structure called the Process Table (symbolised as ProcTbl). It saves the states of the paused process so we can resume them later when it is their turn to run again.

	STORAGE(29)		| Process 0: R0-R28
	LONG(P0Stack)		| Process 0: SP
	LONG(P0Start)		| Process 0: XP (= PC)

	STORAGE(29)		| Process 1: R0-R28
	LONG(P1Stack)		| Process 1: SP
	LONG(P1Start)		| Process 1: XP (= PC)

	STORAGE(29)		| Process 2: R0-R28
	LONG(P2Stack)		| Process 2: SP
	LONG(P2Start)		| Process 2: XP (= PC)

CurProc: LONG(ProcTbl)

The scheduler is invoked by periodic clock interrupts or when a user-mode program makes a Yield() supervisor call. Notice that we use the clock option in the beginning of the script:

.options clock

This clock will cause asynchronous interrupt that calls BR(I_Clk) on every rising edge. This handler labelled I_Clk decides whether a process swap swap is needed or not. We have seen this before in Week 2 lab when we went through all asynchronous interrupt handler.

Tics:	LONG(2)			| Number of clock interrupts/quantum.
TicsLeft: LONG(0)		| Number of tics left in this quantum

I_Clk:	ENTER_INTERRUPT()	| Adjust the PC!
	ST(r0, UserMState)	| Save R0 ONLY, for now.
	LD(TicsLeft, r0)	| Count down TicsLeft
	ST(r0, TicsLeft)	| Now there's one left.
	CMPLTC(r0, 0, r0)	| If new value is negative, then
	BT(r0, DoSwap)		|   swap processes.
	LD(UserMState, r0)	| Else restore r0, and
	JMP(XP)			| return to same user.

DoSwap:	LD(UserMState, r0)	| Restore r0, so we can do a
	SAVESTATE()		|   FULL State save.
	LD(KStack, SP)		| Install kernel stack pointer.
	CALL(Scheduler)		| Swap it out!
	BR(I_Rtn)		| and return to next process.

User Programs

tinyOS.uasm also contains code for three programs. Each program runs in a separate user-mode process.

Process 0

Process 0 prompts the user for new lines of input in P0Read. It then reads lines from the keyboard in P0RdCh using the GetKey() supervisor call and sends them to Process 1 in P0PutC using the Send() procedure.

Prompt:	semaphore(1)		| To keep us from typing next prompt
				| while P1 is typing previous output.

	.text "Start typing, Bunky.\n\n"

P0Read:	Wait(Prompt)		| Wait until P1 has caught up...
	WrMsg()			| First a newline character, then
	.text "\n"
	LD(Count3, r0)		| print out the quantum count
	HexPrt()		|  as part of the count, then
	 WrMsg()		|  the remainder.
	.text "> "

	LD(P0LinP, r3)		| ...then read a line into buffer...

P0RdCh: GetKey()		| read next character,

	WrCh()			| echo back to user
	CALL(UCase)		| Convert it to upper case,
	ST(r0,0,r3)		| Store it in buffer.
	ADDC(r3,4,r3)		| Incr pointer to next char...

	CMPEQC(r0,0xA,r1)	| End of line?
	BT(r1,P0Send)		| yup, transmit buffer to P1

	CMPEQC(r3,P0LinP-4,r1)	| are we at end of buffer?
	BF(r1,P0RdCh)		| nope, read another char
	CMOVE(0xA,r0)		| end of buffer, force a newline
	WrCh()			| and echo it to the user

P0Send:	LD(P0LinP,r2)		| Prepare to empty buffer.
P0PutC: LD(r2,0,r0)		| read next char from buf,
	CALL(Send)		| send to P1
	CMPEQC(r0,0xA,r1)	| Is it end of line?
	BT(r1,P0Read)		| Yup, read another line.

	ADDC(r2,4,r2)		| Else move to next char.

P0Line: STORAGE(100)		| Line buffer.
P0LinP: LONG(P0Line)


Bounded Buffer FIFO

Send() implements a bounded buffer that is synchronized through the use of semaphores in user mode. Recall that a semaphore is a service provided by the Kernel so that two isolated processes running on a Virtual Machine can communicate and synchronize.

The bounded buffer FIFO routine for our Beta (in user mode) is as follows. It follows the producer and consumer model, and the shared buffer can be found at FIFO having a size of 100 words.


IN:	LONG(0)			| IN pointer: index into FIFO
OUT:	LONG(0)			| OUT pointer: index into FIFO

Chars:	semaphore(0)		| Flow-control semaphore 1
Holes:	semaphore(FIFOSIZE)	| Flow-control semaphore 2

||| Send: put <r0> into fifo.
Send:	PUSH(r1)		| Save some regs...
	Wait(Holes)		| Wait for space in buffer...

	LD(IN,r1)		| IN pointer...
	MULC(r1,4,r2)		| Compute 4*IN, word offset
	ST(r0,FIFO,r2)		| FIFO[IN] = ch
	ADDC(r1,1,r1)		| Next time, next slot.
	CMPEQC(r1,FIFOSIZE,r2)	| End of buffer?
	BF(r2,Send1)		| nope.
	CMOVE(0,r1)		| yup, wrap around.
Send1:	ST(r1,IN)		| Tuck away input pointer

	Signal(Chars)		| Now another Rcv() can happen

||| Rcv: Get char from fifo into r0.

Rcv:	PUSH(r1)
	Wait(Chars)		| Wait until FIFO non-empty

	LD(OUT,r1)		| OUT pointer...
	MULC(r1,4,r2)		| Compute 4*OUT, word offset
	LD(r2,FIFO,r0)		| result = FIFO[OUT]
	ADDC(r1,1,r1)		| Next time, next slot.
	CMPEQC(r1,FIFOSIZE,r2)	| End of buffer?
	BF(r2,Rcv1)		| nope.
	CMOVE(0,r1)		| yup, wrap around.
Rcv1:	ST(r1,OUT)		| Tuck away input pointer

	Signal(Holes)		| Now theres space for 1 more.

In short, CALL(Send) sends datum in r0 through pipe (produce) and CALL(Rcv) reads datum from pipe into r0 (consume). Any process calling Send and Rcv will be synchronised using the semaphores Chars and Holes, analogous to what we have learned during the lecture.`

“Pipe” is a name given that signifies the means of communication between two processes using shared memory region. It is implemented via FIFO bounded buffer and semaphore. The user processes simply CALL(Send) or CALL(Rcv) to “use” the pipe. The TinyOS is so simple and does not implement address virtualisation, so the statement of “shared memory” feels redundant because any process can LD/ST directly from another process’ address space, but you can think of the FIFO buffer as a “legally” shared memory region between the two communicating processes.

Kernel Semaphore

Recall that a semaphore is a variable used to control access to a common resource by multiple processes. In other words, it is a variable controlled by the Kernel to allow two or more processes to synchronise. The semaphore can be seen as a generalised mutual exclusion (mutex) lock. It is implemented at the kernel level, meaning that the execution of semaphore operations (WaitH, and SignalH) requires the calling process to change into the kernel mode.

In its simplest form, Semaphore can be thought of as a data structure that contains a guarded integer that represents the number of resources available for the pool of processes that require it.

The instructions in tinyOS.uasm that implements Semaphore is as follows:

WaitH:	LD(r3,0,r0)		| Fetch semaphore value.
	BEQ(r0,I_Wait)		| If zero, block..

	SUBC(r0,1,r0)		| else, decrement and return.
	ST(r0,0,r3)		| Store back into semaphore
	BR(I_Rtn)		| and return to user.

||| Kernel handler: signal(s):
||| ADDRESS of semaphore s in r3.

SignalH:LD(r3,0,r0)		| Fetch semaphore value.
	ADDC(r0,1,r0)		| increment it,
	ST(r0,0,r3)		| Store new semaphore value.
	BR(I_Rtn)		| and return to user.

Unlike real-world applications, this lab does not actually implement virtual addressing so there’s no separation between Kernel and User space in memory (although it has dual mode to prevent interrupts in Kernel mode) due to simplification. We can still perform a LD to Kernel variables in User Mode in this lab as User processes also work in the physical space.

Auxiliaries for User Process

There are other auxiliaries created for the user programs, such as to convert char in r0 to upper case (UCase) and test if R0 is a vowel; put boolean answer into R1 (VowelP). You can read their instructions near the end of P0 instructions in tinyOS.uasm.

| Auxilliary routine: convert char in r0 to upper case:
UCase:	PUSH(r1)
	CMPLEC(r0,'z',r1)	| Is it beyond 'z'?
	BF(r1,UCase1)		| yup, don't convert.
	CMPLTC(r0,'a',r1)	| Is it before 'a'?
	BT(r1, UCase1)		| yup, no change.
	SUBC(r0,'a'-'A',r0)	| Map to UPPER CASE...
UCase1: POP(r1)

| Auxilliary routine: Test if <r0> is a vowel; boolean into r1.
VowelP: CMPEQC(r0,'A',r1)	| Sorta brute force...
	CMPEQC(r0,'E',r1)	BT(r1,Vowel1)
	CMPEQC(r0,'I',r1)	BT(r1,Vowel1)
	CMPEQC(r0,'O',r1)	BT(r1,Vowel1)
	CMPEQC(r0,'U',r1)	BT(r1,Vowel1)
	CMPEQC(r0,'Y',r1)	BT(r1,Vowel1)
	CMOVE(0,r1)		| Return FALSE.
Vowel1: RTN()

Part A: Add fourth user-mode process P3 that reports mouse clicks

In this task, we would have to modify the kernel to add support for a fourth user-mode process. Add user-mode code for the new process that calls Mouse() and then prints out a message of the form:

Each click message should appear on its own line (i.e., it should be preceded and followed by a newline character). You can use WrMsg() and HexPrt() to send the message; see the code for Process 0 for an example of how this is done. Write the instruction for P3 below where P2 ends. For instance:

||| LAB 4 PART A: USER MODE Process 3 -- Display Mouse info click

	|||| LAB 4 PART A -- make MOUSE SVC call and print it out
    ... your answer here

Scheduling P3

You also need to modify the Kernel’s process table to support the scheduling of four processes instead of three.

||| The kernel variable CurProc always points to the ProcTbl entry
|||  corresponding to the "swapped in" process.

	STORAGE(29)		| Process 0: R0-R28
	LONG(P0Stack)		| Process 0: SP
	LONG(P0Start)		| Process 0: XP (= PC)

	STORAGE(29)		| Process 1: R0-R28
	LONG(P1Stack)		| Process 1: SP
	LONG(P1Start)		| Process 1: XP (= PC)

    STORAGE(29)		| Process 2: R0-R28
	LONG(P2Stack)		| Process 2: SP
	LONG(P2Start)		| Process 2: XP (= PC)

    .. add more process control block here

Task 1

CHECKOFF: Demonstrate the above result of printing the mouse coordinates (when the mouse clicks at the terminal area) to your instructor / TA in class.

Synchronization using Semaphore

Finally, you need to coordinate the operation of the user-mode processes so that click messages only appear after the prompt has been output but before you have started typing in a sentence to be translated. This can be done using semaphores.

Part B: Synchronize mouse reporting with other I/O using Semaphores

In other words, once you start typing in a sentence, click messages should be delayed until after the next prompt. If the user clicks multiple times after they have started typing, only a SINGLE click message needs to be displayed (describing either the first or last click, your choice).

You may declare a mouse semaphore in P3, and immediately Wait (attempt to decrease) for the Semaphore:

MouseSemaphore: semaphore(0)	| Semaphore for mouse, initialised from zero

	Wait(MouseSemaphore) 	| proceed only when prompt has shown
	| ... implement printing of click coordinates here

    Signal(Prompt) | signal the prompt so it will print another prompt
    | ... continue implementation

Take your time to understand fully how Wait(Prompt) and Signal(Prompt) works on Semaphore prompt in P0 and P1. Note that P0 and P1 synchronises its execution because the prompt printing in P0 only happens after P1 has finished printing out the piglatin!

Non-blocking System Call (SVC)

You also need two more non-blocking supervisor calls to check for any keyboard press and check for any mouse click because we need to know whether we have typed something (and delay the mouse click printout in P3):

.macro CheckMouse() SVC(9) 	| Part D: TO CHECK MOUSE CLICK, NON BLOCKING
.macro CheckKeyboard() SVC(10) 	| Part D: TO CHECK KEYBOARD CLICK, NON BLOCKING

Update the corresponding SVC_tbl to support these two:

SVCTbl:	UUO(HaltH)		| SVC(0): User-mode HALT instruction
	UUO(WrMsgH)		| SVC(1): Write message
	UUO(CheckMouseH)| SVC(9) : CheckMouse()
	UUO(CheckKeyH)	| SVC(10) : CheckKeyboard()

The implementation of the two service handlers above is suggested to be as follows:

||| LAB 4 PART B: add new handler to check keyboard state, but doesn't clear it and doesn't block the calling process

	LD(Key_State, r0)
	ST(r0,UserMState)		| return it in R0.
	BR(I_Rtn)			| and return to user.

||| LAB 4 PART B: add new handler to check mouse state, but doesn't clear it and doesn't block the calling process
	LD(Mouse_State, r0) 	| put the content of Mouse_State to R0
	ST(r0,UserMState)		| return it in R0 of the user state since UserMState points to the R0 of the user reg value
	BR(I_Rtn)			| and return to user

And then, somewhere in P0 after the prompt is printed out, you should check whether there exist mouse click OR keyboard click, and signal (increase) the semaphore accordingly:

P0Read:	Wait(Prompt)		| Wait until P1 has caught up...
	WrMsg()			| First a newline character, then
	.text "\n"
	LD(Count3, r0)		| print out the quantum count
	HexPrt()		|  as part of the count, then
	 WrMsg()		|  the remainder.
	.text "> "
	LD(P0LinP, r3)		| ...then read a line into buffer...

||||| LAB 4 PART B: TO SYNCHRONISE, busy wait

	CMPEQC(R0, -1, R0) 	| "empty" mouse click buffer contains -1, because 0 is a coordinate
	BNE(R0, beginCheckKeyboard)
	Signal(MouseSemaphore)		| if there is mouse click, give signal
	Yield() 		| let P3 print sooner, give up the current quanta
	BR(P0Read)		| and restart process

    BEQ(R0, beginCheckMouse)

||||| END OF Part B

P0RdCh: GetKey()		| read next character,
	WrCh()			| echo back to user

beginCheckMouse assumes that Mouse_State is set to LONG(-1) if there’s no mouse click. If you didn’t handle this case properly during Lab 2 checkoff, you need to edit this function. Change e.g: change CMPEQC(R0, -1, R0) into CMPEQC(R0, 0, R0) if you use LONG(0) to indicate absence of mouse click.

In summary, here’s what is supposed to happen:

  1. P0 is scheduled first, print out one prompt, and loop between beginCheckMouse and beginCheckKeyboard
  2. If there’s no mouse click, and no keyboard press, and timer interrupts, P1, and then P2 will continue as per normal. When P3 is eventually scheduled, it will not print any mouse click either because there’s no mouse click thus far.
  3. If there’s mouse click and no keyboard press, P0 will increase MouseSemaphore and yield, which eventually leads to P3 being scheduled sooner. This allows P3 to progress and print the click coordinates, after which P3 will increase Prompt Semaphore. When P0 is scheduled back, it will print another prompt and go back to the loop in step (1).
  4. If there’s keyboard press first, then P0RdCh routine will be executed, where user input will be reflected on the screen and piglatin will be printed after user presses the return carriage (Enter). If there’s mouse click during this time, P3 will not advance and print the click message because MouseSemaphore value is 0. The only way to increase it is when beginCheckMouse routine in P0 goes through.
  5. Only after the user presses the return carriage, and P1 prints the piglatin and Signal(Prompt), then P0 can print the prompt and enter beginCheckMouse again. If any mouse press is made when the user was in the middle of typing something, then we will process the mouse click now.

Task 2

Your OS should now be able to report mouse clicks: one click printed per click, doesn’t matter if you spammed. Notice the number within the prompt must also increase (proving that P2 is scheduled properly).

When youre in the middle of typing something, e.g: Hello in the example, any click should not cause you to print any mouse coordinates until after the user entered the message (pressed carriage return).

CHECKOFF: Demonstrate the above result of delayed printing the mouse coordinates (when the mouse clicks at the terminal area and user has started typing) to your instructor / TA in class. Only one mouse click should be reported.


Notice that P0 doesn’t have to confirm that P3 has finished one round of execution (printing of x, y coordinate) before restarting to BR(P0Read) because we know that the round robin scheduler will surely execute P3 for a round once P0 calls Yield(). With the scheduler’s round robin policy and long enough quanta dedicated for each process, there won’t be the undesirable condition whereby P0 Yield() immediately returns execution to P0 again, before P3 resumes and then accidentally Signal the MouseSemaphore the second time (because it hasn’t been cleared by P3 that hasn’t progressed!).

Even if the scheduler is not in round-robin manner, multiple prompt prints is also prevented by the Wait(Prompt) in the beginning of P0Read for this lab, which will eventually block P0 if neither P3 nor P1 is scheduled to Signal(Prompt) and have the same effect anyway, but it’s important that you understand why you’re lucky!

Be very careful when using Semaphore. You might run into deadlock.

In the case that Wait(prompt) does not exist, without the round robin policy MouseSemaphore value might accidentally be increased to 2 or more and we might have a future Click message printed out at the same time while typing some messages at the console, violating the condition required for Task 2 in this lab. If we want to fix this (e.g: assume there’s some form of priority scheduling policy used instead of round robin policy), we might have to check that a new mouse click is actually made in CheckMouseH by storing the previous history of mouse click at all times.