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ScriptableObject Game Architecture

Lab Checkoff Requirements

The lab handout uses Super Mario Bros as assets to demonstrate certain Unity features and functionalities. You are free to follow along and submit it for checkoff, OR you can also create an entirely new project to demonstrate the requested feature(s).

The requirement(s) for the lab checkoff can be found here.


This amazing talk inspires the existence of this section. We simply do not have enough time (unfortunately) to go into every single detailed implementation of common concepts such as game inventory, skill tree, etc but we hope that this quick introduction will point you into the right direction in the future.

This topic covers an entirely new game architecture which separates data from code to make your game more maintainable and all around pleasant to work with. You can choose to go down the Singleton Pattern Path for some appropriate parts of your project and utilise SO Architecture for others. The SO Architecture is not strictly a replacement for the Singleton Pattern.

For example, Singleton Pattern and static pattern is ideal when you have a cache or repository for frequently accessed data (e.g., a level cache, asset loader, or a global configuration), as they can provide easy access from anywhere in the game without passing references explicitly. Singleton can be helpful to maintain consistency and centralize control.

On the other hand, SO Architecture is superior in promoting modularity and reusability, such as when you are creating different enemy types or power-ups, or creating reusable systems like event systems, dialogue systems, or inventory management systems that can be easily shared between different game elements. The SO Architecture provide for easy tweaking and tuning without code changes.

The decision regarding which approach to embrace is entirely yours. However, we take it upon ourselves to introduce you to another excellent game architecture leveraging Scriptable Objects. You'll need to overhaul your current lab project, but the advantages make it worthwhile:

  • Scenes are clean slates
  • No dependency between Systems and they are modular
  • Prefabs work on their own
  • Pluggable custom components
Prototyping with your project idea

Since you would have to start prototyping your project anyway, it will be good to apply this week's lab for that. Think about small features in your game that you need to implement as proof of concept. However, feel free to still follow along and use the Mario assets if you want.


We need at least two Scenes with completely clean slate. That’s right. Clean Slates. We can’t reuse any of these Scripts anymore: GameManager, PowerupController, PlayerController, etc. To get you up to speed, you can:

  1. Copy your main menu or loading scene if any, and World-1-1 and World-1-2 into a new folder
  2. Copy all prefabs used in these two worlds into a new folder, name it something else
  3. Replace the prefabs with the new prefabs (same, just another copy)
  4. Remove all scripts attached to any GameObject, do the same for the new set of prefabs

Here's a complete recording on what we do to prepare for this lab. Lots of the setup is about step 3 above. If you want to simply copy the entire project and work on the copy directly, you may do so.


If your main menu and loading screen is simple, you may leave it as-is. Some error might pop up because the event called in some animation clip, e.g: mario-jump animation doesn't exist and it's fine. We can fix that later. Also, do not forget to update the build setting to include these new scenes instead. The setting can be found at File >> Build Settings.

The Singleton Architecture

If you've been following the lab faithfully so far, your current game architecture utilising Singletons is somewhat as follows:

It's decent, in a way that there's no cross-referencing between scripts attached to gameObject instances, except to Singletons: GameManager and PowerupManager. Most chain of actions are triggered via events. Let's recap the event flow for powerup-related events and score change.

Powerup Collection

Every Powerup box (brick or question box) is controlled by a script inheriting BasePowerupController.

  • Whenever Mario hits a box (brick or question box), the OnCollisionEnter2D will be called by Unity, which will trigger an Animation (bouncing box, etc).
  • From this animation, we call SpawnPowerup() on the powerup inside the box. Any powerup (coin, starman, magic mushroom, and one-up mushroom) are spawned via SpawnPowerup() method. SpawnPowerup() invokes powerupCollected event in PowerupManager Singleton, passing reference to itself in the process

This calls the subscribers of powerupCollected: FilterAndCastPowerup which decides whether to invoke powerupAffectsManager or powerupAffectsPlayer based on the type of powerup invoking the event.

The subscribers of powerupAffectsPlayer or powerupAffectsManager (Mario or Manager) will then be called. Any gameObject subscribing to these two powerupAffectsX event should conform to IPowerupApplicable interface containing RequestPowerupEffect method, which is the method subscribing to powerupAffectsX event.

In RequestPowerupEffect, one simply passes itself (this) to the powerup triggering the chain of events from the start by calling i.ApplyPowerup(this). Then, the actual implementation (how this powerup is affecting this) is implemented in that powerup script itself.

For instance, when Mario hits a question box containing MagicMushroom, it triggers SpawnPowerup() which will animate the spawning of the MagicMushroom.

  • When Mario collides with the MagicMushroom, OnCollisionEnter2D on MagicMushroom's BasePowerup will be triggered, which will invoke powerupCollected event, passing itself in the process.
  • FilterAndCastPowerup (subscriber of powerupCollected) will examine the PowerupType triggering this event (which is MagicMushroom) and hence it invokes powerupAffectsPlayer event, passing MagicMushroom instance as the argument.
  • This triggers the callback RequestPowerupEffect in PlayerMovement.cs attached on Mario.
    • In RequestPowerupEffect, we pass this (which is Mario gameobject instance) to MagicMushroom via ApplyPowerup method.
  • Finally, in the MagicMushroomPowerup script we can decide what the effect of this powerup is to Mario: which is to call MakeSuperMario() method implemented in PlayerMovement.

This is just one of the suggested method to prevent cross-referencing of scripts that needed to be done manually via inspector during runtime. The main idea is to modularise the implementation of the powerup effect as much as possible, implementing parts concerning that instances in the instance script and nowhere else. For instance: it is the MagicMushroom's responsibility to call Mario's: MakeSuperMario, and it is Mario's responsibility to decide what "Super Mario" should be.

Score Update

There are two ways currently to increase the current score: by stomping on Goomba from above or spawning a coin. Both EnemyController and CoinPowerup calls GameManager.instance.IncreaseScore(int value) anytime those conditions are valid. This calls the SetScore method inside GameManager, which invokes the scoreChange event and eventually triggers its subscriber: SetScore in HUDManager to update the UI. The actual score is stored at GameScore, an IntVariable Scriptable Object, which is updated inside IncreaseScore method.


The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. In Unity, it is often used to manage game-wide systems or managers that need to exist throughout the entire game's lifetime. They are commonly used for managing things like GameManager, AudioManager, UIManager, InputManager, and other central systems. These classes need to be accessible from different parts of the game, and a Singleton pattern ensures there is only one instance to coordinate these tasks. It is relatively easy to implement, but can lead to tight coupling between the systems as discussed before. It can also be cumbersome to sharing data between different scenes or across multiple game objects.

We also utilise some Scriptable Objects to manage data assets (like score) that can be shared across different parts of the game, including scenes, game objects, and scripts. They are primarily used for storing and sharing data.

Scriptable Object Game Architecture

In this new game architecture, we take everything one step further to promote a more modular and decoupled architecture. There's no interaction between scripts (well, at least not between scripts of unrelated gameObjects, interaction between scripts in the same perfab is understandable).

We first create various GameEvents based on Scriptable Objects. Each instance can subscribe to it OnEnable(), and unsubscribe from it OnDisable(). As per the previous lab, we also use SO to store persistent data so that new instances in the next scene can load values from there. This way, we do not need to implement any object as a Singleton.

A sketch of the architecture is as follows:

Scriptable Object Event System

Create two new scripts called GameEvent.cs and GameEventListener.cs. This SO-based event will store a list of GameEventListeners, and notify them whenever the GameEvent is Raised.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine;

public class GameEvent<T> : ScriptableObject
private readonly List<GameEventListener<T>> eventListeners =
new List<GameEventListener<T>>();

public void Raise(T data)
for (int i = eventListeners.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

public void RegisterListener(GameEventListener<T> listener)
if (!eventListeners.Contains(listener))

public void UnregisterListener(GameEventListener<T> listener)
if (eventListeners.Contains(listener))

These are currently of a generic type because UnityEvent can have any varying signature: zero parameter, one parameter, etc. For the sake of the lab, we need at least three different types: no argument, a single int type argument, and a single IPowerup type argument. For each type, we need a pair of scripts: the GameEvent and the GameEventListener variant.

The following creates the "no argument" variant:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// no arguments
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "SimpleGameEvent", menuName = "ScriptableObjects/SimpleGameEvent", order = 3)]
public class SimpleGameEvent : GameEvent<Object>
// leave empty

Do the same for the other two types.

Create Game Events

When done, create some SO Game Events as follows (your actual number of events may vary, but if we follow the suggested diagram then you shall make 11 events). Rename them properly based on their type.

Subscribe/Register to Game Events with GameEventListener

Once created, each GameEvent serves as a "container" that store a list of GameEventListeners. Whenever any script calls their Raise method, it will call the OnEventsRaised method on all of its GameEventListener (subscribers), which will then call a list of methods registered under Response in GameEventListener. For instance, we want to reset our Camera to its starting location whenever OnGameRestart event is Raised. When we were using the Singleton Method, we first register some callback GameRestart() in CameraController.cs:

    void Start()

void GameRestart()
// reset camera position
transform.position = startPosition;

Delete line 3 above, and we register GameRestart as a callback to OnGameRestart Game Event using SimpleGameEventListener Script component as follows:

The Event field of the SimpleGameEventListener script is linked to OnGameRestart SO GameEvent, and as its Response, we register CameraController's GameRestart() method. When another script calls OnGameRestart.Raise(), this will automatically cause OnGameRestart to loop through its SimpleEventGameListeners and call OnEventRaised() on it. This will then trigger Response.Invoke() where Response contains GameRestart() method from CameraController. Finally, the method GameRestart() is performed on the CameraController's instance.

What is this other script who can call OnGameRestart.Raise()? One possible candidate is the RestartButtonController. We can have a following script:


public UnityEvent gameRestart;

void ButtonClick()

Attach this to the restart Button, and set ButtonClick() as the callback of the button component. Then link OnGameRestart SimpleGameEvent SO as gameRestart UnityEvent that is invoked by clicking the restart button.

Now you can ask Mario and Goomba to do the same: attach a SimpleGameEvent script to both gameObjects, with events field referring to SO OnGameRestart and a GameRestart() callback in each of its controller as follows. The video below also shows that each gameObject (e.g: Mario) can contain multiple GameEventListeners so that you can register various callbacks from any script in that gameObject.


It is important for you to be able to trace properly the chain of events that make this works. The following diagram illustrates what actually happened from the moment restart button is clicked to the moment all GameRestart() functions in the scripts attached to Mario, Camera, and all Goombas are called:


Now that you know how ScriptableObject Event System work, carefully migrate your entire project (all scenes) to adopt this new event system.

  • Delete each old GameManager.instance.[event].AddListener(CallbackMethod) line, and replace it by attaching the corresponding GameEventListener script to the GameObject
  • Ensure that you select the correct GameEventListener type (no argument, int, or IPowerup type argument)
  • Link up the right GameEvent in the Inspector to match that [event] you are replacing
  • Link up CallbackMethod at the GameEventListener Inspector. Make sure that this method is public

After a few tries, the procedure should be quite standard. Firstly, create the GameEvents.

Secondly, figure out which callback methods should be run for each event. Create a public callback method where you will handle a particular event in a script. Then, on the same gameObject where that script is attached to, add a GameEventListener script with that public method as the Response.

Thirdly, figure out which scripts shall Raise the events. To Raise a GameEvent, attach that GameEvent Raise method as a listener to public UnityEvent event member in that script that wants to cast (raise) it, for as written in the RestartButtonController above.

Here's a quick video for your reference:

For reference only

Your actual implementation might differ and that's alright, so don't be alarmed. As long as the game works as intended with this new architecture, that's fine.