📄️ The Singleton Pattern
The lab handout uses Super Mario Bros as assets to demonstrate certain Unity features and functionalities. You are free to follow along and submit it for checkoff, OR you can also create an entirely new project to demonstrate the requested feature(s).
📄️ C# Quick Tour
Quick Tour
📄️ Scriptable Objects
A ScriptableObject (abbreviated as SO) is a data container that you can use to save large amounts of data, independent of class instances. An example scenario where this will be useful is when your game needs to instantiate tons of Prefab with a Script component that stores unchanging variables. We can save memory by storing these data in a ScriptableObject instead and these Prefabs can refer to the content of the ScriptableObject at runtime.
📄️ Polishing with Coroutines
To polish our game further, we need to ensure that:
📄️ Checkoff
The grading for this lab is binary (completed or not completed) for each feature. This means you should implement each feature fully to obtain the mark for that feature. In this checkoff, the features we are looking for are: meaningful player feedback, multiple scenes in the game, some kind of persistent data (could be highscore, user setting, etc), existence of interactable powerups (can be anything that benefits the player or introduce dilemma), and properly polished game restart functionality.