📄️ Animation
The lab handout uses Super Mario Bros as assets to demonstrate certain Unity features and functionalities. You are free to follow along and submit it for checkoff, OR you can also create an entirely new project to demonstrate the requested feature(s).
📄️ Camera Movement
We want the Camera follow the player, but clamped so that it doesn’t go out of screen too much the left or too much the right. Create a new script called CameraController.cs and declare the following variables:
📄️ Physics2D
The goal of this section is to create some obstacles (breakable boxes, platforms, static blocks, pipes) that exists in Super Mario Bros. Using this, we will learn more about Unity's Physics2D Engine and manage our GameObjects by creating Prefabs (a sort of reusable object).
📄️ Checkoff
Once you've implemented everything in this handout, then for checkoff you're required to add these new features listed below.