This page summarises the links to all notes that are relevant to 10.020. Please read them carefully by the weeks stipulated. You will learn each of the big topics above in the following weeks:
Week 01: Python Revision and Sorting Algorithm
Week 02: Analysing Programs
Week 03: Divide and Conquer
Week 04: Object-Oriented Paradigm
Week 05: Searching Data
- Introduction to Graph
- Graph Search: Breadth First Search and Depth First Search
Week 06: Inheritance and Object-Oriented Design
Week 08: Visualizing and Processing Data
Week 09: Modeling Continuous Data
Week 10: Classifying Categorical Data
Week 12: Design of State Machines
These notes and problem sets were prepared by Oka Kurniawan, Zachary Teo Wei Jie, and Amanda Kosim.